What's up this is the new volcano hybrid, vaporizer from Storz and Bickel first, we'll go over all the important things, you need to know about this one we'll talk about how it works we'll talk about, the performance and then we will discuss, how it compares to my trusty classic, model this one I bought ten years ago, ten years and four months ago still, works so we're gonna see what's up with, this new hybrid let me take a hit oh
Yeah so I have it propped up right now, because of the lighting so you can see, it doesn't mind my fingerprints sorry okay, so here it is alright okay touchscreen, alright again the lighting can't see oh, my heat turned off so it's got four, buttons on the front de up/down heat air, the plug is detachable on this one on, the bottom you have air filter access, the port you can change the air filter if it, gets dirty it's the intake air filter, and then on top here this is the herb, chamber that screws on the top of the volcano that's what you're looking at up,4:21 that's no good yeah there we go, alright so before I even get into it.
Let, I give you a high-level overview here, okay these are all the areas that the volcano gets an A or an A+ from me vapor, production flavor or taste strength or, the potency of the vapor the smoothness of, the vapor draw resistance is negligible, efficiency look-and-feel build quality,ease-of-use, cleanliness, and maintenance all, excellent in all of those categories, okay, the volcano has been the benchmark, desktop vaporizer for a very long time, since I started doing this ten years ago, this has been the benchmark for, performance and builds quality.
Now for,anybody who is familiar or has the,volcano classic or digital one of the,things that they changed with this one,is the herb chamber and how it connects,to the top of the heater so the word,hybrid with vaporizers typically means,it is convection and conduction heating,hybrid refers to the type of heating so,convection heating is with hot air,conduction heating is with a hot surface,that radiates the heat so the original,volcano chamber or this is the original,easy valve that I've had for a while,you're gonna get mostly convection with,this one a little tiny bit of conduction,but really not much it's pretty,negligible but it is there this is still,the old one is still kind of hybrid but,mostly convection now this one if any of,you are also familiar with the plenty,vaporizer also made by Storz and Bickel.
This herb chamber is similar to the,plenty herb chamber more similar to that,one than to the old volcano chamber so,one of the things they did with this new,chamber is they made the metal ring,surrounding it a little more pronounced,and also gave it a like like a ring like,a surface on the bottom to attach to a,matching surface on the top of the,heater so what that does is while this,is sitting on top,and you screw it on to keep it on there,while it's sitting on there the bowl is,now heating up so even if you were to,turn on the air and just start filling,balloons it would work you could use it,but as you let it sit here the bowl,keeps getting hotter the herb chamber,it's gonna keep warming up more heats,gonna radiate from the walls of the,chamber the metal walls so you're gonna,get a more complete vaporization effect.
At the end the the bud when you take it,out the avb is going to be darker with,the hybrid versus the mostly convection,older models so that is one of the big,differences here I am noticing that the,performance from this one especially,with the whip attachment is fairly,similar to how the plenti performs and I,really like the plenty so that's a good,thing,you do get stronger feeling vapor a,little more vapor production with the,increase in conduction heating the other,way that I kind of take the word hybrid,in this case is that now it is a combo,balloon vape and whip vape whereas the,prior models like the original placing,balloon on me that's what this was known,for best balloon desktop vape that,there's ever been but now you have,options but you use the same top which,is cool so it's very easy to switch,between the two,you could fill a bag take it off slap on,the whip,take a couple rips take off the whip put,the bag back on put your versatile,conical this is what the balloons are,like.
Okay this is an easy valve tip very,easy to use pull it out,and then this is what you would just,push right on to the top and then fill,the bag and then when it's full you just,pull it off we valve inside,automatically closes so no vapor is,gonna come out and then you take your,mouthpiece and you just push it in the,vapor is still trapped inside until you,push in the mouthpiece let me,demonstrate,bag on my heats on my herb chamber is,full turn on the air,[Applause],so that's when the there we go,yeah it is crazy lighting so as you can,see uh you know maybe you can't see but,this is it's pretty thick so 420 is a,pretty high temperature the max,temperature it goes is 446 that's the,max so this is pretty close to the match,when the mag is full turn off the air,remove the balloon before it explodes.
All right,typically my recommendation is and I'm,sure this is Storz and Bickel is,recommendation also don't leave this on,for too long for more than a couple,minutes at a time it is plastic on the,outside if you leave this on for a,really long time there is the,possibility of it overheating being,really hot next time you go to touch it,so even right on the back here it says,never leave filling chamber on the,volcano so even though you're you're,kind of supposed to leave it on for a,few minutes to have it heat up after,that take it off and then you know it's,very easy to get on and off so now we,have the balloon full of vapor nice,vapor thick vapor not coming out closed,valve take my mouthpiece boom,still no vapor coming out until I push,the mouthpiece in pretty cool right so, this is what I consider having vapor on,tap this is like a keg a vapor this is.
One of the easiest ways to vape for,people who don't have high lung capacity,they can't take a big draw all they,could do is sip on something that's all,you got to do this is vapor on tap that,you sip from you can rip it to you,mainly sit like so,all you gotta do nice medium-sized draw,you blow out a nice cloud that's it, everybody can use the volcano,this is not a vape with a learning curve,this is not a vape where some people, can't use it some can everybody that,I've ever known whether or not they like,it was able to use it if you don't want,a sip if you want a rip go ahead yes so,like I mentioned before a plus flavor,density potency smoothness I'm gonna,give smoothness and a I think it could,be bumped to an a-plus there is no need,to stir this one you don't need to open,it up in the middle of your session if,you want to.
If you only put a,little bit in you do want to make sure,that it stays flat against the bottom so,in that case you might want to open it,up but one little tip I have is if,you're only gonna load a little bit or,you only gonna load it halfway the way,to make sure that everything is cool,inside without having to open it up,shake it and then well now everything,should be nice and even across the,bottom of the screen and you can just,right back on so I don't ever open this,up during a session which is a huge huge,bonus of this vape also a bonus of the,plenty as well actually all of their,vapes you did not open during your,session one of the most common questions,with the volcano has been how long does,the vapors stay good for in the bag,after you fill it my recommendation is 5,minutes.
What happens is after you fill,this bag if you wait longer than 5,minutes,the vapor just to put it bluntly gets a,little less smooth and a little less,awesome tasting so the longer you let it,sit in there the more that happens so,for the ideal experience for the best,vapor quality I would empty the balloon,within about five minutes which is,pretty reasonable maybe even ten if you,don't need to stretch it if your vaping,really slow five minutes is ideal so if,you don't think you can finish a whole,balloon at five minutes you don't have,to fill a whole balloon you can stop,when it's halfway full and take it off,you don't have to fill it all the way to,the end so that would be my,recommendation.
If you think that you're,gonna be vaping for a woman in five,minutes only fill an amount that you'll,vape in five minutes this will also help,extend the life of your balloons because,the number one balloon killer and valve,killer is vapor sitting in here forever,and just building up on the walls,building up on the valve and that's how,these things fail so the quicker you get,the vapor out of it,no longer the bags are gonna last this,is all you have to do to maintain the,herb chamber after each session if you,can do it while this is still warm,that's a plus they give you this brush,just right over an ashtray or garbage,just brush it clean this side you'll see,there's a bunch of particles stuck to it,so I'm gonna brush those off the brush,they give you is perfect for this it's a,really good brush good to go now it's,ready to be loaded again next time I'll,clean nice.
Now one of the other new,things about it is that it has bluetooth,built-in and Storz and Bickel has an app,connects to the app you can control the,vape you can see some info about your,vape stuff like that the first time I,ran the app it told me there was a,firmware update available so I ran it,everything went smoothly it took a few,minutes very easy to load you don't need,to pack it tight you don't need to grind,any certain way you could use fine grind,medium grind coarse grind so just take,your ground up but right now I'm using,medium to coarse ground gorilla glue and,you can load it anywhere from I'm gonna,call it a third of the way up to all the,way up the minimum amount you want to,put in here is enough to completely,cover the bottom screen.
I'm gonna call,that point one five absolute minimum you,should use in here the maximum you look,at my point four ish so it holds a,decent amount and again you don't pack,it tight you want the air to flow,through your button so just place it in,there,lightly even it out that's it take your,top screw it up,so as you can see the touchscreen isn't,like a hundred percent always responsive,sometimes I have to like DoubleTap but,it's been pretty good,I'm actually really digging using it,with the whip I didn't think I was going,to because in my mind this was always a,balloon vape so they threw me for a loop,with this one but it's growing on me I,kind of like it because it does perform,a lot like the plenty and I really like,the plenty and this is kind of like a,little bit more of a convenient way to,vape like when you're at a desk so now,as far as the build quality and,warranties stuff goes Storz and Bickel,is a German company this vape is made in,Germany
Normally that's a very good,thing,Storz and Bickel has had a few run-ins,with product defects with some of their,stuff not totally uncommon but it has,happened however their warranty service,is good and their policy is good this,one has a three year warranty so that is,the summary those are all the main,bullet points but you need to know about,this one okay it is a six hundred $99,list price vaporizer oh you're talking,high-end okay I do have a coupon code to,get you 15% off at my recommended dealer,it's in the description if you're,interested it brings it down to 600 so,that is still in the upper tier of vape,prices but there are some other ones,that are that expensive as well and I,would say overall the value of the,volcano hybrid ease average average,value,very good performing vape cool features,but it's expensive it's very expensive,and there are some things about it that,I didn't see improved that I would have,liked to from the older one but overall,this is a good vaporizer so if you're,looking into a volcano if you're,thinking about a volcano when this one,piques your interest it's a good buy.
I,like the fact that this one has the whip,it makes it a lot more appealing to me,if this was balloon only I would be,saying what I said in my original video,just go with the classic because there's,no point but I kind of like this I like,it I like the option I like the way I,like the way it works how it spins,around free spin but still maintains a,perfect connection it's cool stuff,alright so now that we have the normal,review out of the way I think I covered,everything I normally would write pretty,fair now it's time to turn up the heat,and really start to talk about what's up,with you now before I pop off let me,just say that I mean no disrespect to,anybody who has this vape and likes it,what I must express my true emotions,because the volcano is what got me,started in this business ten years ago,April 2009 when I picked up this bad boy,right here that is what made up my mind,that vaping was for me this is my first,volcanO.
I've gotten since this one roll,on let me get a little sauced up first,now when I think about this to this if I,had to be a dick about it I would say,that this is a fairly embarrassing,progression okay let me familiarize you,with the classic in case you don't know,about it okay real quick crash course,first VAP introduced by Storz and Bickel,in the year 2000 okay,this one I bought in 2009 basically the,same as the first one that was released,now this is an analog vaporizer with,buttons and a dial so you have that's,the fan button it's a mechanical switch,that's the heat a mechanical switch this,is your temperature dial okay just an,analog rotary dial okay,the chamber on the top the easy valve,you don't screw it on you just place it,on pop it off it's held in by a couple,clips.
The herb chamber fairly similar,slightly different shape and again the,bottom part is different because on the,new one there's a little more metal on,metal contact for conduction effect so,mind you ten year-old vape extensively,extensively used and abused moved,between about four different living,quarters and the only thing that's,really wrong with it is a faded some,faded print underneath the green button,okay this thing is a tank this is when,made in Germany mint what you bought was,a tank okay ten years old boom turns on,boom,okay dial no problems at all easy valve,with the balloon okay easy valve like I,showed you before.
This is from this one,okay,balloon boom,fill it up boom let's compare and,contrast shall we,I didn't even want to mention it because,it happens to everybody it happens to,every company but because this was such,an emotional experience for me I have to,tell you that the first volcano hybrid I,got I bought it and when I got it I,opened it up on live stream i unboxed it,and i was going to review it live for,the first time and i was already I,planned it,and it didn't turn on deal way so I sent,it back and they sent me a new one no,problem however I must tell you that I,was heartbroken,so my point of saying that is that,obviously with an increase in technology,with this scream with the Bluetooth all,this digital miss going on the touching,it's just more things that can go wrong.
Okay obviously it must have just been a,loose connection on my screen and I just,didn't turn on no with something like,this with a tank it's not an issue its,reliability is okay so far my,reliability is,[Music],it's a little medium right now because,I'm sketched reliability with this one,is through the roof,okay these switches they will always,work okay unless you beat it with a,hammer it's gonna work now you may be,wondering why am I even comparing these,this one's so old this new one the vapor,quality must be so much better.
The,performance must be so much better,alright let me tell you something most,people I would say in a blind vapor,taste test with these two vapes if two,balloons were mixed up and given to them,it would be a coin toss I believe most,people would not consistently be able to,tell the difference between the vapor,from these two vapes that being said,they had two decades to do something,about that two decades now if you want,to argue that okay well this one is a,little different it's got the conduction,now and da-da-da-da-da-da-da with the,hybrid all right.
Well in two decades all,they did to create that hybrid,conduction was an ax metal ring to the,bottom oh okay,they didn't there's nothing it's not,different in here this this little,plastic piece with that little metal,ring is what is making this hybrid now,on that note there is said to have been,improvements to the internals and the,heating and the heating element and this,and that and whatever ugh here we go,this is the way my my 10 year old vape,sounds my 10 year old volcano and this,is how it sounded two decades ago when,they released it okay,okay to decade-old design that was a,little bit of an annoyance and nuisance,it's kind of loud it's girl might wake,up somebody next to you if you're trying,to be discreet.
All right here's thing no,one improved space-aged two decades of,Rd fan,okay if I blindfolded myself I don't,know if I'd be able to hear the,difference and again I'm very sorry to,say it but I find that to be a slightly,embarrassing progression how is it that,in 20 years they can't figure out,how to make it a little quieter than the,sound of a vacuum next to you would have,been a nice upgrade that's all I'm,trying to say and sort of on that same,topic the balloons the turkey bag these,have long been a point of contention for,many people because of the crinkly,loudness trying to be discreet nope okay,so what has 20 years of R&D brought us,the turkey bang boom okay hate to say it,again but there wasn't any progression,there at all the next thing I need to,mention briefly all right it's cutting,corners because that's a little pet,peeve of mine.
Personally I don't like to,see corners being cut after a standard,has been established so more,specifically if any of you have the,Plenty vaporizer and are familiar with,the herb chamber which is pretty similar,to this one you know the feeling of the,plastic and the sturdiness of it and the,general feel of materials being used bus,doors a pickle at least on the products,from years ago now with this new herb,chamber one of the first things I,noticed is that it bent in my hand the,plastic being used plastic already being,a inexpensive not really desirable,component ah feels even cheaper than it,used to okay this feels like cheaper,plastic I can't believe I'm actually,able to squeeze it and bend it not cool,not cool it needs to be rigid enough at,least if it's going to,plastic where I can't squeeze it in bend,it alright all aside though,it's a great van.
I take it a little,personally because this is what I have,dedicated my life to for damn near a,decade now but for most people or not,quite as deeply embedded as I am this is,a fantastic vaporizer if someone was to,ask me and they will raw performance,alone should I get the hybrid or is the,classic good enough for over two hundred,dollars less I would say if you only,want it for balloon purposes the classic,is good enough still if you want the,latest and greatest if you got a little,cash to burn if you want the whip,feature which I like hybrid is cool all,right so those are my feelings good in,bed,snores and Bickel please keep improving,coming out with cool stuff keep us all,motivated.
Thank you and thank you for,watching and don't forget that there is,the little discount code alright in the,description if you want to buy any Storz and Bickel stuff it's good on all their,other stuff like the mighty and the, crafty also the portables which are good,ok so I appreciate your continued, support and viewership very much stale.
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